Clydesdale Bank CEO Email

David Duffy has been the chief executive officer and director of the Clydesdale Bank since 2015. Prior to this, he served as the CEO at Allied Irish Banks. Previously, he served as the Chief Executive Officer at Standard Bank International.

He has began his career with management consulting firm, Craig Gardner, in Dublin in 1984, and has held various management roles, including global head and board positions at Goldman Sachs and ING Barings.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name David Duffy
Company name Clydesdale Bank
CEO Email Address
Phone number N/A
Location Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Clydesdale Bank Executive team

Name Email
James Pettigrew – Chairman
Social media
LinkedIn N/A
Twitter N/A
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
About Company

Clydesdale Bank plc is a retail and commercial bank in the Glasgow, United Kingdom. With its immense and international growth in commercial and industrial clients, including Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons, and their extensive credit requirements it sought investment by a larger consortium.

Clydesdale Bank CEO David Duffy Net Worth

As the chief executive officer and executive director of Clydesdale Bank Plc, the total compensation of David Duffy at Clydesdale Bank is $1 Million to $5 Million.

His net worth has been growing significantly in 2023. As of 2023, David Duffy’s net worth can be estimated to be around 65-75 million USD. His annual compensation is reportedly around 2-12 million USD.

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