ceo of charlotte tilbury email address

Charlotte Tilbury CEO Email

Demetra Pinsent has been the chief executive officer (CEO) of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty since its inception in 2012. In this capacity, she has partnered with Founder Charlotte Tilbury to deliver record-breaking, year-on-year growth across all channels and geographies.

She was a partner at McKinsey & Company where she co-led the European Luxury Goods Practice. Demetra Pinsent has served as a Non-Executive Director for Capital & Counties and Belmond, and is currently a Trustee of the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name Demetra Pinsent
Company name Charlotte Tilbury
CEO Email Address
Phone number N/A
Location London, WC2R 2ND, United Kingdom

Charlotte Tilbury Executive team

  • James Mullen – Chief Financial Officer
  • Sophie Hanrot – Chief People Officer
  • Aleena Abrahamian – Managing Director
Social media
LinkedIn @Demetra Pinsent
Twitter N/A
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
About Company

Charlotte Tilbury is a cosmetics company registered in the UK. It was founded in 2013, a British makeup artist who is also chair. Charlotte Tilbury Beauty products are available in 76 countries and are largely sold in retail stores for personal care and beauty products. It’s headquartered in Surrey Street, London in the United Kingdom.

Demetra Pinsent charlotte tilbury net worth

Demetra Pinsent, the CEO of Charlotte Tilbury’s makeup empire, is a British businesswoman whose net worth is estimated to be in the tens of millions.

Pinsent’s career began in the fashion industry, where she worked for brands such as Gucci and Prada. In 2003, she joined Charlotte Tilbury as a global brand director, and in 2014 she was promoted to CEO.

Under her leadership, the company has grown rapidly, with sales exceeding $1 billion in 2020.

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