ceo of gousto email address

Gousto CEO Email

Alannah Di Cataldo has recently been named chief executive officer (CEO) of Gousto. She has been with Gosto for 6 months and is serving in Hon.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name Alannah Di Cataldo
Company name Gousto
CEO Email Address
Phone number N/A
Location London, W14 0EE, United Kingdom

Gousto Executive team

Name Email
Timo Boldt & James Carter – Founders N/A
Shaun Pearce – Chief Technology Officer
Social media
LinkedIn @Alannah Di Cataldo
Twitter N/A
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
About Company

Gousto UK operates an online platform that enables users to choose the recipes online to deliver the required ingredients in the right proportions with a recipe card to cook meals at home. It’s supplies subscribers with recipe kit boxes which include ready-measured, fresh ingredients and easily followed recipes.

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