lloyds banking group ceo email address

Lloyds Banking Group CEO Email

Charlie Nunn was appointed CEO of Lloyds Banking Group. Prior to joining the group, he held a range of leadership positions at HSBC, including global CEO, wealth and personal banking, and group head of wealth management and digital.

With extensive financial services experience, including in chief executive and other leadership roles, he has over many years’ experience in the financial services sector and charlie nunn began his career at Accenture.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name Charlie Nunn
Company name Lloyds Banking Group
CEO Email Address charlie.nunn@lloydsbanking.com
Phone number N/A
Location London, EC2N 3AH, United Kingdom

Lloyds Banking Group Executive team

  • Scott Wheway – Independent Director and Chairman
  • Sarah Bentley – Ring Fenced Bank Independent Director
  • William Chalmers – Chief Financial Officer
  • Sarah Legg – Independent Director
  • Cathy Turner – Senior Independent Director
  • Brendan Gilligan – Ring Fenced Bank Independent Director
  • Nigel Hinshelwood – Ring Fenced Bank Senior Independent Director
Social media
LinkedIn @Charlie Nunn
Twitter @LBGplc
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
Website lloydsbankinggroup.com
About Company

Lloyds Banking Group is a British financial institution formed through the acquisition of HBOS by Lloyds TSB in 2009. It is one of the UK’s largest financial services organisations, with 30 million customers and 65,000 employees. They also has overseas operations in the US and Europe.

Lloyds Banking Group CEO’s Net Worth

Lloyds Banking Group’s net worth can range from 40-50 billion USD. His net worth can be estimated to range between 25-30 million USD. He reportedly earns 6-10 million USD in overall compensation package.

Charlie Nunn succeeded António Horta-Osório on 2021, after a decade as CEO. He will receive a salary of £5.6 million. He joined HSBC in 2011, rising to global head of personal banking and wealth management.

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