Very CEO Email

Henry Birch was born on 1969, is a British businessman, and the chief executive officer (CEO) of Very, since 2018, having previously been CEO of The Rank Group since 2014.

It was born in 1969, and educated at the University of Edinburgh where he received a master’s degree in Political Science, followed by an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name Henry Benedict Birch
Company name Very
CEO Email Address
Phone number +44-162-850-4000
Location Liverpool, L70 1AB, United Kingdom

Very Executive team

  • Robbie Feather – Managing director
  • Ben Fletcher – Chief finance and transformation officer
  • Sean Hallows – Chief operating officer
  • Nick McBrien – Chief risk and legal officer
  • Sarah Willett – Chief people officer
Social media
LinkedIn @Henry Birch
Twitter @henrybbirch
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
About Company

Very UK is a British online retailer with headquarters in Speke, Liverpool. It was a shopping catalogue and retail business headquartered in Liverpool, UK. The brand was launched in the UK in July 2009 as part of the Shop Direct Group (now The Very Group).

Very CEO Henry Birch Net Worth

Henry Birch’s exact net worth on his salary, company performance, and potential shareholdings, it’s likely to be in the millions of pounds.

During his time as CEO of Very, Henry Benedict Birch reportedly received an annual salary of around $1 Million to $5 Million.

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